Review: Human Trees by Matthew Revert

CLICK HERE TO BUY FROM AMAZON The environment that surrounds a child plays a major role in their development, and author Matthew Revert explores the moment of crisis between two men that serves as both an origin story and moment of (possible) catharsis; Human Trees is an exploration of balance, Yin and Yang, and brotherhood. … More Review: Human Trees by Matthew Revert

Violence, Identity, Love… THEN Art: A review of Unger House Radicals by Chris Kelso

Chris Kelso, known for crafting books that are often meta-cognitive explorations of a Dystopian nightmare, has assembled a more linear, plot-driven piece with Unger House Radicals, though the “plot” and “linearity” are used loosely here, with consideration to Kelso’s works. Kelso uses a collective of unique personalities against the backdrop of an artistic, world-changing revolution … More Violence, Identity, Love… THEN Art: A review of Unger House Radicals by Chris Kelso

Review: A Congregation of Jackals by S. Craig Zahler

  Revenge and love are perhaps two of the most significant (or overused) concepts employed by the bard, Shakespeare. One of pop culture’s most prominent directors, Quentin Tarrantino, uses revenge as a motivation for many of the characters he has brought to live in his films. How does an artist craft a compelling revenge tale? … More Review: A Congregation of Jackals by S. Craig Zahler